The main research themes in my lab and selected publications
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These PDF articles are for your own personal educational/scientific use. Any further distribution, publication or commercial usage of this copyrighted material would require permission from the appropriate publisher.Anthropogenic climate change and its impacts on ocean ecosystems
Bruno, J.F., C.D.G. Harley, and M.T. Burrows. 2013. Climate change and marine communities. In: Bertness, M.D., B.R. Silliman, J.F. Bruno and J.J. Stachowicz (eds.) Marine community ecology and conservation. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA
Poloczanska, E.S., C.J. Brown, W.J. Sydeman,W. Kiessling, D.S. Schoeman, P.J. Moore, K. Brander, J.F. Bruno, L.B. Buckley, M.T. Burrows, C.M. Duarte, B.S. Halpern, J. Holding, C.V. Kappel, M.I. O’Connor, J.M. Pandolfi, C.Parmesan, F. Schwing, S.A. Thompson, and A.J. Richardson. 2013. Global imprint of climate change on marine life. Nature Climate Change doi:10.1038/nclimate1958 PDF
Bruno, J.F. 2013. Ecology: Building a better crystal ball. Current Biology PDF
Pryzant L.K. and J.F. Bruno. 2012. What to do when the oceans rise. PLoS Biology 10(9): e1001387 link
Selig, E.R., K.S.Casey and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Temperature-driven coral decline: the role of marine protected areas. Global Change Biology PDF
Burrows, M.T., D.S. Schoeman, L.B. Buckley, P. Moore, E.S. Poloczanska, K.M. Brander, C. Brown, J.F. Bruno, C.M. Duarte, B.S. Halpern, J. Holding, C.V. Kappel, W. Kiessling, M.I. O’Connor, J.M. Pandolfi, C. Parmesan, F.B. Schwing,W.J. Sydeman and A.J. Richardson. 2011. The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Science 334:652-655 PDF
Brander, K., J. Bruno, A. Hobday and D. Schoeman. 2011. The value of attribution. Nature Climate Change. 1: 70-71 PDF
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. and J.F. Bruno. 2010. Impacts of climate change on the world’s marine ecosystems. Science 328:1523-1528 PDF
Mcleod E., R. Moffitt, A. Timmermann, R. Salm, L. Menviel, M.J. Palmer, E.R. Selig, K.S. Casey and J.F. Bruno 2010. Warming seas in the coral triangle: coral reef vulnerability and management implications. Coastal Management 38: 518-539 PDF
Halpern, B.S., S. Walbridge, K.A. Selkoe, C.V. Kappel, F. Micheli, C. D’Agrosa, J.F. Bruno, K.S. Casey, C. Ebert, H.E. Fox, R. Fujita, D. Heinemann, H.S. Lenihan, E.M.P. Madin, M. Perry, E.R. Selig, M. Spalding, R. Steneck, R. Watson. 2008. Assessing and mapping the global impact of human activities on marine ecosystems. Science 319:948-952 PDF
Bruno, J.F., C.E. Siddon, J.D. Witman, and P.L. Colin. 2001. El Niño-related coral bleaching in Palau, Western Caroline Islands. Coral Reefs 20:127-136 PDF
Bertness, M.D., G.H. Leonard, J.M. Levine, and J.F. Bruno. 1999. Climate-driven interactions among rocky intertidal organisms caught between a rock and a hot place. Oecologia 120:446-450 PDF
Coral reef ecology and conservation
Bruno. J.F., W.F. Precht, P.S. Vroom and R.B. Aronson. 2013. Coral reef baselines: how much macroalgae is natural? Marine Pollution Bulletin 80 (2014) 24–29 PDF
Hackerott, S., A. Valdivia, S.J. Green, I.M. Côté, C.E. Cox, L. Akins, C.A. Layman, W.F. Precht, and J.F. Bruno. 2013. Native predators do not influence invasion success of Pacific lionfish on Caribbean reefs. PLoS One 8(7): e68259 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068259 Link
Carr, L.A., A.C. Stier, K. Fietz, I. Montero, A.J. Gallagher and J.F. Bruno.2013. Illegal shark fishing in the Galapagos marine reserve. Marine Policy 39: 317-321 PDF via FigShare
Cox, C.E., C.D. Jones, J.P. Wares, K.D. Castillo, and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Fish mislabeling in Belize: Implications for coral reef conservation. Conservation Letters DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2012.00286.x PDF
Selig, E.R., K.S.Casey and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Temperature-driven coral decline: the role of marine protected areas. Global Change Biology PDF
Żychaluk, K, J.F. Bruno, D. Clancy, T.R. McClanahan and M. Spencer. 2012. Modelling regional coral-reef dynamics without mechanistic assumptions. Ecology Letters 15: 151-158 PDF
Lowe, P.K., J.F. Bruno, E.R. Selig and M. Spencer. 2011. Empirical models of transitions between coral reef states: effects of regions, marine protected areas, and environmental change scenarios. PLoS One 6(11) e26339 link
Hughes, T.P., D.R. Bellwood, A.H. Baird, J. Brodie, J.F. Bruno, J.M. Pandolfi. 2011. Shifting base-lines, declining coral cover, and the erosion of reef resilience: comment on Sweatman et al. (2011). Coral Reefs PDF
Dudgeon, S.R., R.B. Aronson, J.F. Bruno and W.F. Precht. 2010. Phase shifts and stable states on coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 413: 201-216 PDF
Schutte, V.G.W., E.R. Selig and J.F. Bruno. Regional spatio-temporal trends in Caribbean coral reef benthic communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 402: 115–122, 2010 PDF
Selig, E.R. and J.F. Bruno. A global analysis of the effects of marine protected areas on coral loss. PLoS One 5(2): e9278 link
Selig, E.R., K.S. Casey, and J.F. Bruno. New insights into global patterns of ocean temperature anomalies: implications for coral reef health and management. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:397-411 PDF
Bruno, J.F., H. Sweatman, W.F. Precht, E.R. Selig and V.G.W. Schutte. 2009. Assessing evidence of phase shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance on coral reefs. Ecology 90:1478-1484 PDF
Vu, I., G. Smelick, S. Harris, S.C. Lee, E. Weil, R.F. Whitehead and J.F. Bruno. 2009. Macroalgae has no effect on the severity and dynamics of Caribbean yellow band disease. PLoS One 4(2): e4514 link
Bruno, J.F., and E.R. Selig. 2007. Regional decline of coral cover in the Indo-Pacific: timing, extent, and subregional comparisons. PLoS One 8:e711 link
Idjadi, J.A., S.C. Lee, J.F. Bruno, W.F. Precht, L. Allen-Requa, and P.J. Edmunds. 2006. Rapid Phase-Shift Reversal on a Jamaican Coral Reef. Coral Reefs 25:209-211 PDF
Bruno, J.F., C.E. Siddon, J.D. Witman, and P.L. Colin. 2001. El Niño-related coral bleaching in Palau, Western Caroline Islands. Coral Reefs 20:127-136 PDF
Edmunds, P.J., and J.F. Bruno. 1996. The importance of sampling scale in ecology: kilometer-wide variation in coral reef communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 143:165-171 PDF
Disease ecology
Bruno, J.F., S.P. Ellner, I. Vu, K. Kim, and C.D. Harvell. 2011. Impacts of aspergillosis on sea fan coral demography: modeling a moving target. Ecological Monographs 81: 123-139 PDF
Bruno, J.F., E.R. Selig, K.S. Casey, C.A. Page, B.L. Willis, C.D. Harvell, H. Sweatman, and A.M. Melendy. 2007. Thermal stress and coral cover as drivers of coral disease outbreaks. PLoS Biology 5: e124 link + A synopsis by Mary Hoff link
Selig, E.R., C.D. Harvell, J.F. Bruno, B.L. Willis, C.A. Page, K.S. Casey and H. Sweatman. 2006. Analyzing the relationship between ocean temperature anomalies and coral disease outbreaks at broad spatial scales. In; J.T. Phinney, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. Kleypas, W. Skirving, and A. Strong (eds.). Coral reefs and climate change: science and management. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, Pages 111-128 PDF
Bruno, J.F., L. Petes, C.D. Harvell, and A. Hettinger. 2003. Nutrient enrichment can increase the severity of two Caribbean coral diseases. Ecology Letters 6:1056-1061 PDF
Reynolds, P.L. and J.F. Bruno. 2013. Multiple predator species alter prey behavior, population growth and a trophic cascade in a model estuarine food web. Ecological Monographs 83: 119-132
Duffy J.E., J.J. Stachowicz and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Multitrophic biodiversity and the responses of marine ecosystems to global change. In: Paterson et al. (eds.) Marine biodiversity futures and ecosystem functioning: Frameworks, methodologies and integration. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Reynolds, P.L. and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Effects of trophic skewing of species richness on ecosystem functioning in a diverse marine community. PLoS One link
Long, Z.T., M.I. O’Connor and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Effects of predation and intraspecific aggregation on prey diversity at multiple spatial scales. JEMBE 416: 115-120 PDF
Long, Z.T., J.F. Bruno and J.E. Duffy. 2011. Food chain length and omnivory determine the stability of a marine subtidal food web. J. Animal Ecology 80: 586-594 PDF
Butchart, S.H.M., M. Walpole, R. Almond, B. Bombard, J.F. Bruno, et al. 2010. Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines. Science 238:1164-1168 PDF
Moran, E., P.L. Reynolds, L.M. Ladwig, M.I. O’Connor, Z.T. Long, and J.F. Bruno. 2010. Predation intensity is negatively related to plant species richness in a benthic marine community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 400:277-282 PDF
Lee, S.C. and J.F. Bruno. 2009. Propagule supply controls grazer community structure and primary production in a benthic marine ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106:7052-7057 PDF
O’Connor, M.I. and J.F. Bruno. 2009. Predator richness has no effect in a diverse marine food web. J. Animal Ecology 78:732-740 PDF
Bruno, J.F., and B.J. Cardinale. 2008. Cascading effects of predator richness. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6:539-546 PDF
Bruno, J.F., K.E. Boyer, J.E. Duffy and S.C. Lee. 2008. Relative and interactive effects of plant and grazer richness in a benthic marine community. Ecology 89:2518-2528 PDF
Stachowicz, J.J., J.F. Bruno, and J.E. Duffy. 2007. Understanding the effects of marine biodiversity on communities and ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 38:739–766 PDF
Bruno, J.F., S.C. Lee, J.S. Kertesz, R.C. Carpenter, Z.T. Long, J.E. Duffy. 2006. Partitioning the effects of algal species identity and richness on benthic marine primary production. Oikos 115: 170-178 PDF
Bruno, J.F., and M.I. O’Connor. 2005. Cascading effects of predator diversity and omnivory in a marine food web. Ecology Letters 8:1048-1056 PDF
Bruno, J.F. 2002. Causes of nested species distributions and landscape-scale rarity in cobble beach plant communities. Ecology 83:2304-2314 PDF
Invasion ecology
Hackerott, S., A. Valdivia, S.J. Green, I.M. Côté, C.E. Cox, L. Akins, C.A. Layman, W.F. Precht, and J.F. Bruno. 2013. Native predators do not influence invasion success of Pacific lionfish on Caribbean reefs. PLoS One 8(7): e68259 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068259 Link
Heard, M.J., D.F. Sax and J.F. Bruno. 2012.Dominance of non-native species increases over time in a historically invaded strandline community. In press at Diversity and Distributuions PDF
Bulleri, F., J.F. Bruno, and L. Benedetti-Cecchi. 2008. Beyond competition: incorporating positive interactions between species to predict ecosystem invasibility. PLoS Biology 6: e162 link
Sax, D. F., J.J. Stachowicz, J.H. Brown, J.F. Bruno, M.N. Dawson, S.D. Gaines, R.K. Grosberg, A. Hastings, R.D. Holt, M.M. Mayfield, M.I. O’Connor, and W.R. Rice. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary insights from species invasions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22:465-471 PDF
Fridley, J.D., R.L. Brown, and J.F. Bruno. 2004. Null models of exotic invasions and scale-dependent patterns of native and exotic species richness. Ecology 85: 3215-3222 PDF
Bruno, J.F., J.D. Fridley, K. Bromberg, and M.D. Bertness. 2005. Insights into biotic interactions from studies of species invasions. In: Sax, D.F., S.D. Gaines, and J.J. Stachowicz (eds.) Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolution and Biogeography. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, Pages 13-40 PDF
Bruno, J.F., C.W. Kennedy, T.A. Rand, and M.B. Grant. 2004. Exotic invasion of a marine plant community: A landscape-scale test of some key predictions and paradigms of invasion biology. Oikos 107: 531-540 PDF
Facilitation and positive species interactions
Kiers, T.E., T.M. Palmer, A R. Ives, J.F. Bruno, and J.L. Bronstein. 2010. Mutualisms in a changing world: an evolutionary perspective. Ecology Letters 13: 1459-1474 PDF
Bulleri, F., J.F. Bruno, and L. Benedetti-Cecchi. 2008. Beyond competition: incorporating positive interactions between species to predict ecosystem invasibility. PLoS Biology 6: e162 link
Halpern, B.S., B.R. Silliman, J.D. Olden, J.F. Bruno, and M.D. Bertness. 2007. Incorporating positive interactions in aquatic restoration and conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:153-160 PDF
Bruno, J.F., J.J. Stachowicz, and M.D. Bertness. 2003. Inclusion of facilitation into ecological theory. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18:119-125 PDF + Companion article: Shouse, B. 2003. Conflict over cooperation. Science 299:644-646 PDF
Bruno, J.F. and M.D. Bertness. 2001. Habitat modification and facilitation in benthic marine communities. In: Bertness M.D., M.E. Hay, and S.D. Gaines (eds.) Marine Community Ecology. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA pages 201-218 PDF
Bruno, J.F. 2000. Facilitation of cobble beach plant communities through habitat modification by Spartina alterniflora. Ecology 81:1179-1192 PDF
Bruno, J.F., and C.W. Kennedy. 2000. Patch-size dependent habitat modification and facilitation on New England cobble beaches by Spartina alterniflora. Oecologia 122:98-108 PDF
Thermal / metabolic ecology
Carr, L.A. and J.F. Bruno. 2013. Warming increases the top-down effects and metabolism of a subtidal herbivore. PeerJ 1:e109; DOI 10.7717/peerj.109 link
O’Connor, M.I. and J.F. Bruno. 2012. Marine Invertebrates. In: Brown J.H., R. Sibley and A. Kodric-Brown (eds.) Metabolic Ecology: A Scaling Approach. Wiley and Sons, London
O’Connor MI, Piehler MF, Leech DM, Anton A, Bruno JF (2009) Warming and Resource Availability Shift Food Web Structure and Metabolism. PLoS Biol 7(8): e1000178 link + synopsis by Liza Gross link
O’Connor, M.I., J.F. Bruno, S.D. Gaines, B.P. Kinlan, B.S. Halpern and S.E. Lester. 2007. Temperature control of larval dispersal: implications for marine ecology, evolution and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 104:1266-1271 link + Companion article by Carlos Duarte in TREE about the inclusion of metabolic theory into marine ecology PDF