
Climate change blogs

Real climate: climate science from climate scientists

Skeptical science: outlines and debunks skeptic arguments

How to talk to a skeptic

Climate change and the media

Climate Central


Open Science and Cool Tools

FigShare share your figures, talks, data, papers, videos, and more

Mendeley free and awesome citation manager (EndNote alternative)

Zotero another free and awesome citation manager

PeerJ great new open access journal

PLOS the original great open access journals

eLIFE another cool OA option

StichIt lets you make a presentation out of many web pages

R free stats / analysis and graphic program

Flowing data making nice graphics with R

DataUp share your data!

DataOne share environmental data




Department of Marine Sciences

Curriculum in Ecology and the Environment

Institute for the Environment

Department of Biology Faculty

Department of Geography

Graduate School


IT assistance (OASIS)

Odum Institute 



Plant Ecology Group

Office of Undergraduate Research

Johnston Center

Recreation Center Hours

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

UNC International Center

UNC EHS-minors in the lab policy


Triangle Area Seminars in Ecology and Evolution

UNC Ecology

UNC Biology

UNC lunchbunch (formerly evolunch)

A list of all Triangle life sciences seminars


Marine Ecology and Conservation


ICRI: International Coral Reef Initiative


NOAA Coral Health and Monitoring Program

US Ocean Commission

WRI-Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

US Coral Reef Task Force

Coral Reef Alliance

Coral Reef Research Foundation

Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database

Sea Web

Marine Photobank

Photodocumentation of climate change

Marine ecology tree



Ecological Society of America

Western Society of Naturalists

Society for Conservation Biology

American Association for the Advancement of Science

International Society for Reef Studies

American Society for Limnology and Oceanography


Marine Labs and Research Centers





Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences



A link with a huge list of marine labs


Field Programs

Classes at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Classes at Friday Harbor Laboratories, WA

Classes at the Duke Marine Lab

Summer classes at the Shoals Marine Laboratory

Sea Semester

School for Field Studies

Pigeon Key: marine field programs for kids in the FL Keys!



Learn NC

Morehead Planetarium and Science Center at UNC

Peter Mumby’s collection of great coral reef videos


Career Information

So you want to be a marine biologist? (great advise from Dr. Milton Love, UCSB)

So you want to be a marine biologist? The revenge

A collection of links on career advice and job opportunities in marine sciences

Advice for graduate students and post docs



There is a website with links to lots of internships here

The NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program has a variety of super summer internships, see the list here

PostBacs  (a nice article about doing taking a year or more off to get some hands on experience before going on to grad school)

Ornithological jobs (lots of field positions working with birds)

Ecolog (a discussion board/list that regularly posts various positions in ecology-I recommend subscribing to the list!)

Advice for getting involved in coral reef research from Jim Hendee.rtf